Posted on 4/7/2013

Spring is in the air along with pesky insects, chirping birds, mounds of pollen and buckets of tree sap! Insects, birds, pollen, and tree sap are not only a chore for our homes; they are a chore for our vehicles too! Give your vehicle the same spring cleaning attention you give your home. Routinely use this Spring Cleaning tip list to keep your vehicle at its best. 1. Check your engine’s air filters and cabin air filters (cabin air filters are most often found in newer model vehicles). These air filters can become heavy with pollen affecting the performance of your vehicle. Replace air filters when necessary to keep your vehicle happy and running at its best! 2. Remove leaves and debris from the cowl screen (where the hood and windshield meet, under the wipers) and all crevices. Leaves left in the cowl screen can breakdown creating sediment that can clog the evaporator drain. This can cause a much more time-consuming and costly auto repair. Leaves th ... read more