Posted on 2/26/2016

Tesla Motors is known today as the leading manufacturer of electricity powered cars and is gaining popularity all across the globe for its smart innovations and intuitive designs. Based in the heart of California, U.S.A., many people have begun to wonder whether this car manufacturer is going to release a European car any time soon. While there might not seem like much of a different between American and European car models, car and vehicle enthusiasts will disagree as there are more functions and features to both options that immediately apparent. The Difference Between American and European Cars When it comes to differentiating American and European cars, there are only 4 real considerations. Those are quality, style, price, and fuel efficiency. Quality – When speaking of quality, there are two main p ... read more
Posted on 2/15/2016

In the United States, every state has the right to make the law that would stipulate the speed limits across its territory. In many cases, the local civic authorities such as municipalities or counties or other subdivisions can also set the speed limit. Speed limits don’t just vary across the country but they can vary every few miles depending on where you are driving, the type of road and the kind of habitation in the area. The speed limit range bottoms out at 35 mph and peaks at 85 mph. Usually, the increment or decrement of speed limit is by 5 mph. This range is not a given nationwide as there are plenty of exceptions, both with the least and highest speed limit. Considering the speed limits across the country, you would find the highest range of 75 mph to 85 mph along the west coast and national or interstate highways connecting the western states. The ... read more
Posted on 2/11/2016

European brands dominate the global automobile market. While there is a Toyota, Honda and Hyundai with a global presence, American brands like Chevrolet and Nissan are making their way into various international markets, yet it is the likes of Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Renault, and Volvo among a few others that have truly been giants of a brand. We aren’t mentioning Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini because of their limited or niche target audience. When we talk about the top three selling European cars right now, it is necessary to segregate the markets. The stats are different for the UK, they change when you check out rest of Europe and will be different in every specific member country of the EU. When you move stateside, the numbers change again and there is little to show any parity among them all. If you check out the top auto brands in the US ... read more
Posted on 2/5/2016

As we inch closer to spring and hope for a pleasant summer, we would want to hop on our favorite motorcycle or bike and embark on a road trip. Even if you don’t have the time for an extensive road trip crisscrossing the country, you can always make time for a short trip on a weekend. There are many bikers who would rather ride than drive and they are always on the lookout for some of the finest motorcycles on the market. Here are the top European motorcycles in Killeen right now, from the sheer number of sales. BMW R1200GS is the absolute favorite right now. You would imagine that a BMW bike would only fascinate a James Bond, Jason Bourne or an Ethan Hunt. Many associate BMW with cars and high end bikes which is not wrong but BMW R1200GS has scripted history of sorts. The bike is the clear winner in Germany and is one of the most favored in the UK. If you tho ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2016
If you’re an urbanite or a city slicker then you already know how hard it can be to make your way around the concrete jungle in your own car. Add in the ever present nuisance that is traffic and you’ve got yourself set up for a day-long migraine. Luckily for us, there are apps like Uber and Lyft which have made it unreasonably easy and unbelievably affordable to get around town with nothing more than a few extra dollars and smart phone. With this level of convenience and comfort available to consumers at just the tap of a screen, people are starting to wonder – are car companies taking the brunt for the sudden imbalance in the market? How Car Rental Apps are Affecting the Car Market Of course, on the outside, it might seem like car sales should be affected by the dawn of these smart new innovations, but it actually remains unclear as to how extensive the effects might be. According to recent studies, car sales are only mildly affected by these a ... read more
Posted on 1/20/2016
There are lots of different ways law enforcement and traffic enforcement agencies catch dangerous drivers and one of these ways is called the speed trap. Originally designed to help authorities get their hands on those who disobey the speed limits, speed traps are now an unreasonable nuisance that many motorists would much rather do without. What is a Speed Trap? There are certain speed limits that need to be observed depending on the location you’re cruising through. Some roads for example will allow higher speeds than others. This is primarily because of safety concerns and precautions that the locality have deemed important. But in recent years, speed traps have become a mainstay in these areas. That is, certain traffic and law enforcement personnel will deliberately set an unreasonably low speed limit that’s near impossible to observe. Anyone who goes beyond it will be caught and penalized – unless of course they’re willing to pay a “fee.” As expected ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2016

Driving through the city might seem like a gigantic hassle to most folks and that’s because it is. Who wants to deal with all that traffic and trouble? Driving however, doesn’t always have to be a stressful experience. This is particularly true about driving through certain winter routes in Europe. For those who want to relax and escape their tiring daily lives, winter driving can prove to be the ideal solution. Check out these amazingly breathtaking winter driving routes all across Europe and make sure you take a trip to them the next time you feel like driving your worries away. Lake District, UK – Driving through this snow dusted country side is even more ideal in the cold of winter. Lake District provides passers-by with some of the most beautiful scenery in all of the UK. Enjoy cruising through snow capped mountains and quiet c ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2016

European auto-manufacturers have become seriously brilliant with their SUVs. Today, some of the best SUV options come from European car makers, and that’s for a very good reason. It seems these manufacturers have perfected the combination of luxury, utility, and style to come up with the best SUVs we’ve seen in our time. Although it might be quite the challenge to rank European SUVs, there are those few that shine just a bit brighter than the rest. Top 4 European SUVs Range Rover Evoque – Range Rover has been producing high-quality cars for years but this premium SUV seems to be their best creation yet. Sporting the classic style of Range Rovers combined with a contemporary, modern design, this European SUV makes it possible to cruise in style and stand-out no matter where you go. But good looks aren’t the only thing that this premium se ... read more
Posted on 12/27/2015

When Will Electric Vehicles Become the Norm? Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s it seemed like transportation would make gigantic strides before the 2000’s. However, other than new designs and sleeker builds, vehicles have not changed that much. There was time when most assumed that electronic cars would be more than just a new trend and would be the norm, but that transition has not yet taken place. Before you assume that electronic cars are not something that will become normal, it is important to take a look at the research. Some are projecting that electronic cars can be the norm by 2026. Before you know it, owning electronic car will be commonplace. Here is what you need to know about when electronic cars will be the norm: Futurologist You might not know that this is a real thing, but f ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2015

What are the Top European Cars out now? When we talk about the best European cars a few names invariably pop up for contention. Volkswagen is the undisputed leader among the automakers. Ford has had a remarkable comeback. Opel is one of the more popular brands in Europe. Renault, Peugeot, BMW, Mercedes, Fiat, Skoda, Nissan and Toyota have staggering market shares. While the likes of Hyundai are struggling to find a place in the top ten, a few vintage models have always been head turners and money spinners. If we have to look at the top European cars out now, we cannot do so with stringent budget considerations. There are of course some popular cars which are relatively affordable and some inarguably stunning models which can burn a hole in the wallet. Going by sheer numbers, the top European cars out now are: ... read more