Posted on 12/27/2015

When Will Electric Vehicles Become the Norm? Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s it seemed like transportation would make gigantic strides before the 2000’s. However, other than new designs and sleeker builds, vehicles have not changed that much. There was time when most assumed that electronic cars would be more than just a new trend and would be the norm, but that transition has not yet taken place. Before you assume that electronic cars are not something that will become normal, it is important to take a look at the research. Some are projecting that electronic cars can be the norm by 2026. Before you know it, owning electronic car will be commonplace. Here is what you need to know about when electronic cars will be the norm: Futurologist You might not know that this is a real thing, but f ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2015

What are the Top European Cars out now? When we talk about the best European cars a few names invariably pop up for contention. Volkswagen is the undisputed leader among the automakers. Ford has had a remarkable comeback. Opel is one of the more popular brands in Europe. Renault, Peugeot, BMW, Mercedes, Fiat, Skoda, Nissan and Toyota have staggering market shares. While the likes of Hyundai are struggling to find a place in the top ten, a few vintage models have always been head turners and money spinners. If we have to look at the top European cars out now, we cannot do so with stringent budget considerations. There are of course some popular cars which are relatively affordable and some inarguably stunning models which can burn a hole in the wallet. Going by sheer numbers, the top European cars out now are: ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2015

What Are the Fastest European Cars on the Market When you are looking for a well-built and fast vehicle, it is often preferred that you look at the European market. Europe is known for making luxury vehicles that are known to be fast. Fast rides are what most people admire most, but purchasing a fast ride does not come at a cheap price tag. Most of the fastest European vehicles are also the most expensive. Being labeled one of the fastest rides is not something that comes easy, but it is a title to be proud of. When you are looking for a fast ride, you need to know what the best options are. Here is everything that you need to know about the fastest European cars on the market: Ferrari If there is one European carmaker that is known for making speed a priority, it is Ferrari. The Ferrari 458 Italia is one of the fastest cars and come equ ... read more
Posted on 12/7/2015

How different are European cars from American cars? It doesn’t take one to be an automobile expert to point out the differences between European cars and American cars. But one does need to understand the difference in sensibilities, requirements and histories of the two great lands to truly gauge why and how different European cars are from American cars. Let us start with a few basics, which you may or may not be aware. European cars are smaller than American cars. You would find more compact cars or hatchbacks and sedans in Europe while you would see more SUVs and hummers, trucks and vans. Europe has smaller roads, obviously being home to many older cities of the world. They don’t have as staggeringly big highways or arterial roads as in American cities. Even the lanes of a neighborhood in a remote tow ... read more
Posted on 11/27/2015

Ways to Save on European Car Insurance You need a vehicle to get you where you want to go, but you also need to have car insurance for any vehicle that you drive, European cars are luxurious and offer high performance, but keeping them insured can cost you big time. If you are looking to cut back on European car insurance costs, there are a few things that you can do. You do not have to pay outrageous amounts of money for car insurance coverage/ There are a few tips that you can try out that are designed to help you save. Improve Your Credit Score You might not realize it, but your overall credit score does play a part in the cost of your European car insurance. This means that if you are looking to save, you can start by improving your credit score. It is suggested that you make sure everything on your ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2015

Mercedes Vs. Ferrari: Which Do You Prefer? Trying to choose just the right luxury sports car is never easy. There are so many different options to choose from that it can be difficult to pick one that is just right. Your choice can be a bit overwhelming, but the two luxury car brands that stick out from the rest are Mercedes and Ferrari. These two luxury brands are known for high performance and a sleek design. It is hard for most people to choose between the two. This opens up the debate of Mercedes vs. Ferrari. It normally comes down to a personal preference. Here is more information about each luxury car manufacturer and why people prefer one or the other: Why Choose the Ferrari? This is a type of Italian luxury sports car that is extremely popular. Ferrari is known for manufacturing very expensiv ... read more
Posted on 11/10/2015

Is it Costly to Repair a European Car? A car can be a great luxury that allows you travel around in style and get from one destination to another. Many people not only want a vehicle that offers function, but they are also looking for style and class. European cars are extremely popular because they are designed to be stylish and luxurious, but also offer high levels of performance. When you are considering purchasing a European car, you not only have to factor in the total cost of the car, but also the cost of repairs. Repair costs are something that you need to consider before you decide to splurge on a popular European car. The cost of repairing a European car might not be something that you can afford. Here is more information about the cost of repairing European vehicles: Higher Cost is Expected Driving around in a Eur ... read more
Posted on 11/3/2015

How to Keep Your Car on the Road for Years When it comes to the longevity of your car, maintenance is key. This means that you need to take preventative maintenance measures to ensure that your car has a long lifespan and that no major issues come up. Your car will require repairs from time to time, but you cam keep your car on the road for many years if you follow a few simple tips. Here are a few of the best ways to keep your car on the road for years: Check Fluids The first thing that you need to stay on top of when you are looking to increase the longevity of your car is to check and change all fluids regularly. It is important to remember that no automotive fluid will last forever, which means that you need to change them all from time to time. This means that you should look to change you engine oil about every 5,000 miles and al ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2015

Volvo vs. Volkswagen: Which Do You Prefer? Choosing a car is not always easy. There are so many different makes and models to choose from that the process can be more than just a little overwhelming. If you are looking for a car that is reliable and designed to offer the highest level of performance, you must choose from manufacturers that are known for quality. There are quite a few makes that are known for being great buys, but the Volkswagen and the Volvo stand out. These types of cars are known for being long lasting and great on gas mileage. The hard part is deciding between the two. Here is more information about each type of car and why some drivers prefer one option over the other: Pretty Similar There are those drivers that prefer one over the other, but reviews and ratings for Volvos and Volkswagens are really even. Both of these ... read more
Posted on 10/20/2015

How is Gas Mileage on European Cars? When you are looking for the ideal car to buy, there are many different things to consider. Not only are you interested in style and luxury, but you are likely also looking for high performance and great gas mileage. If you are looking for a car that offers great gas mileage, you might consider a European car. European cars are known for offering superior gas mileage and will allow you to save a lot of money in the long run. You might be paying a higher price initially for a European car, but this investment will pay off over time as you save money on gas. Here is everything that you need to know about the great gas mileage that European cars offer: Small and Efficient One of the biggest reason why European cars get better gas mileage than other cars is due to size and efficiency ... read more