Posted on 1/20/2021
1. The Defender Legacy In 1948, the defender made its debut to help Britain and to battle with the export deficit. It was constructed for off-roading on agricultural lands and civil engineering projects. Being an aluminum product, it was shorter and faster than jeeps. This 110-inch wheel-based version is beneficial for royal visits. The British army used the land rover as a military-vehicle for being more reliable at off-roading than other vehicles. The defender proved as the best off-road vehicle and dominated 4x4 markets in Australia, Africa, and the middle east. It was updated to series-3 with minor changes. To remain competitive, land-rover fitted V8 engine with more torque and appealed 4W-drive market. Further, upgraded with versions: short wheel-based (90) and long-wheel-based (110). In the 1980s, it sold as a sports vehicle and went through a higher level of trims. Its 120-inch wheel-based versions could carry a load of 1.4 metric tons and were later named as ... read more