Posted on 12/29/2014

With spring right around the corner drivers will be hitting the road running down warm weather and greener pastures. Now is a great time to get your car ready for the long and winding roads ahead. A little car maintenance will go along way in keeping your car rolling down the highway and running at it’s most efficient. Wiper Blades Here in Central Texas it seems that my wiper blades get neglected the most out of all of the parts of my car. Summers are hot and rain is sparse so they hardly get used. It’s usually one of the few days that it rains and i use them as they rip apart across my windshield or when I go to inspection and fail. Replacing a wiper is easy, takes less than 5 minutes and usually doesn’t require any tools. It’s recommend by mechanics that they get replaced at least once a year around fall. Generally we abuse our wipers a lot mor ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2014

With out a doubt headlights are one of he top safety features on a car. Without them we wouldn’t be able to drive at night, or in adverse situations. We trust them to always light up the road ahead of us when we turn them on and we use them to signal other motorists to danger or a friendly warning that a police officer may be up the road. We neglect them until they burn out, or until the lenses are foggy. Hazing is caused by the wearing away of the protective hard coat which then exposes the softer plastic underneath to scratches, oxidation and grime. There are several ways to clear up an old headlight ranging from the simple and cheap to the pricey and a professional. No matter what the path the first step is always to wash the headlight and get all of the dirt and grime off. Second you’ll need to get several grades of sandpaper, ranging from coarse to fine. anytime s ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2014

HyperMiling (Hyper-Mile-Ling) is a series of techniques, or as some might say a philosophy of driving that squeezes the most fuel efficiency out of your car. Through various techniques, and driving habit changes any car can greatly improve their gas mileage. Lets take a quick look at a few. Ok, first we’re going to start with one of the most obvious ways to save money on transportation. Drive less. Walk, ride a bike, live closer to your job, take the bus, all these are on the “duh” list, but are essential to the hypermiling philosophy. Check your tire pressure Most people don’t really think about it, but an under inflated tire creates more drag and friction for your car to over come, this in turn leads to lower fuel economy. Check your tires at least once every couple weeks to ensure they are inflated to the proper PSI, which is listed on t ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2014

Coolant, or Antifreeze is typically a 50/50 mixture of water and glycol. The glycol acts as the antifreeze agent and the coolant, keeping the water inside of the radiator from freezing in extreme cold and from boiling over during routine driving. While water is a better heat transferer, the addition of glycol allows the cooling system to maintain a stable level of heat during all driving and weather conditions. There are only two types of consumer coolants. Separated by the type of glycol used. Ethylene Glycol, until recently the standard antifreeze. A green toxic liquid that has been reported to cause birth defects, reproductive damage and even death if consumed. Ethylene glycol antifreeeze has a sweet smell and taste with makes it very appealing to animals and small children, and can be fatal if consumed. Propylene Glycol, A significantly less tox ... read more