Posted on 2/10/2020

Check engine light is a sign on the dashboard that many vehicle owners fear. Known MIL(Malfunction Indicator Light), the engine check light signals that something is wrong. The check engine light can mean many things, from a gas cap not tightened properly to a damaged oxygen sensor, maybe a spark in plugs, or it could be something as serious as a faulty catalytic converter. Many of the causes of illuminated check engine light are easy to solve, but sometimes, it means that something has gone seriously wrong. The check engine light is a component of your car’s on-board diagnostic system. After the late 1980s, computers have a highly controlled car’s performance including engine speed, fuel mixture, and engine timing. When it finds any problem, the computer turns on a yellow warning light labeled as “service engine soon”, or “check engine light” or perhaps just an engine-shaped icon popping up. This light is known as the International Check Engin ... read more