Posted on 7/12/2013

2013 is the 50th Anniversary of the Porsche 911, one of the most prolific and successful sports cars ever. The 911 has evolved and improved with each generation through Porsche’s steadfast dedication to technological advancement and innovation. Like most sports cars, much of that innovation stems from the developments of the brand’s racing program. Porsche has a long and storied racing history filled with iconic cars and legendary racers, starting with the 4-cylinder 70 horse 1951 356 Light Metal Coupé and continuing to today with the flat-six 460 horse 2013 911 RSR. But, no car has had more of an impact or served as more of an inspiration to Porsche’s street cars than the 993 911 GT1 and its road-going version the Porsche 911 GT1 Straßenversion (Street Version). After a brief racing hiatus for the 911, in the mid-1990s Porsche made a decision to get back into international sports car racing. Not a company to do anything half-way, Porsche jumped in with bo ... read more