Posted on 6/19/2015

We’ve all been driving down the highway and had a rock fly into our windshield. Perhaps quick freezing and warming caused your windshield to crack in the winter time. Regardless, windshield cracks are one of the most prevalent issues that vehicle owners experience in their lifetime. Knowing what to do when you notice a crack is what will help you to avoid needing a windshield replacement in the future. Step 1: Measuring the Crack The first thing to do is take a ruler and measure the length of the crack. If it’s less than 12 inches or if it is a chip that’s less than the size of a quarter it can easily be repaired without having to worry about replacing the entire windshield. You can go to a local auto store or a mechanic and get it done for a relatively low cost. It is also important that you make sure that the crack doesn’t impair you ... read more
Posted on 6/14/2015

If water gets in your gas tank either by accident or on purpose, it is something that can cause a world of problems for your vehicle and you will need to address the issue immediately. You can get water in your tank from condensation or even from severe weather, which is why it is important that you look out for the different symptoms that you may experience. This guide will also help you with taking care of the problem to get your car back to its best state. Acceleration and Hesitation The main symptom that you will notice if you have water in the gas tank is if your car has problems accelerating or if there is a hesitation when you try to speed up. If you find that you can’t reach highway speeds, it could be a result of water in the tank. Drivers may also notice a sputtering sound when they change their speed quickly. If your tank is completely full and you accelerate, your fuel may be contaminated with water. Replacing the ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2015

There are many different methods that you can use to check the tread on your tires and it will help you to know whether it’s time to replace a tire on your vehicle. If your tread is extremely worn out, it will prevent you from driving a safe vehicle. One of the easiest and most talked about methods of checking your tire tread is to use a penny and a couple of minutes out of your day. When to Replace Tires There are certain regulations in countries around the world about when you should be replacing your tires. In the United States, the tread depth is measured based on 32nds of an inch. New tires generally have 10/32” or 11/32”. If you have a SUV or a truck, your winter tires may have deeper treads than other vehicle models. It is advised that tires should be replaced once they have reached the 2/32” range and in fact, most states require drivers ( ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2015

All car owners have been in a situation where they wished they had known sooner, whether a crack in your windshield gets worse or even if your battery dies on the road. One of the largest benefits of a car battery is that there are indicators that you can take advantage of to know when it’s time to change it so you’re not stuck on the road calling for assistance. Sign 1: Check Engine Light The most common issue that you’ll notice is the check engine light in your dash. This is generally a pretty good sign that the power in your battery is weak. It is also an indicator of other issues that your car may be experiencing. Sign 2: Slow Engine Start-Up When you try to start your vehicle the engine will be sluggish and cranking it may take longer than normal. This is when you should consider a battery change as soon as possible. Step 3: Leaking Battery If you notice that there is any corrosion around the + and – sides o ... read more