Posted on 9/28/2015

Is an Electric Car Like Tesla the Right Car for You? When you are looking for just the right car, there are many different options to consider. Not only do you have to choose between countless makes and models, but you also have the options of purchasing an electric car. The Tesla is a popular model of electric car that might just be the right fit for you. If you are interested in electric cars, but aren’t sure if it is the right choice for you, there are a few ways to make your choice simpler. Here are a few ways to know if buying an electric car like Tesla s the right choice for you: What is an Electric Vehicle? An electric car is infused with all of the latest technology. This is a car that does not require fuel to function. This means that you will no longer have to worry about buying gas o ... read more
Posted on 9/21/2015

Are the New Self Driving Google Cars Safe? Technology is constantly evolving and changing the way that even normal tasks are done. Driving might seem pretty straightforward, but new self driving Google cars are changing the way that people commute. Self driving cars are infused with technology and innovation that make them exciting, but there are still many questions that exist. Before Google self driving cars become a popular method of transportation, the safety of them needs to be proven. Many people wonder if self driving Google cars really are safe to drive. Are They Safe? The biggest question regarding the use of self driving Google cars is safety. People want to know if these cars that do not need to be manually operated are designed to be safe and if they are effective. Preliminary testing shows that self dri ... read more
Posted on 9/12/2015
Why Don’t More People Drive in New York? If you have ever taken a trip to New York, there are many different things that will catch your eye. From all the amazing tourist sites to the hustle and bustle of downtown. However, the amount of people that walk and take public transportation is something that you can’t miss. Many of the people that live in New York don’t even own their own vehicle. This is something that people from other parts of the country can’t even fathom. It is hard to understand why more people in New York don’t choose to drive. Here are a few of the biggest reasons why driving in New York is not as common as it is in other parts of the country: Congestion Even though a lot of people do not drive their own car to work, this has not helped to lessen the traffic in the city any. There is still tons of trafic on all the major streets and a lot of delays. This means that there is a big congestion issue in New York and driv ... read more
Posted on 9/5/2015

Should You Get Rims or Keep Your Hubcaps? The wheel on your vehicle is extremely important. It works to enable your car to move and also to support the weight of your ride. Over time the wheels on your vehicle can be destined for some type of wear and tear. Your tires are not only on your car for functional and safety purposes, but also add to the overall style. This means that it might be a good idea to trade in your traditional hubcaps for more stylish rims. Knowing if rims are right for your ride is not as easy as you might expect. Here are some things to consider when deciding if rims are the best choice: Wheel Protection When you are looking to offer more protection to your wheel, it might be a good idea to choose rims over a hubcap. Traditionally hubcaps are designed to only offer protection for the ... read more