It’s amazing to me that with all the technology and information out there, we still have people who will say “I’m safer if I’m thrown from my vehicle during an accident than if I’m trapped inside” and they won’t wear a seat belt.
Now, I’m not a physics major and if you’re looking to see vehicles involved in accidents or you want to see car repair, Temple, TX or car repair, Belton, TX you can stop by the shop here at Eurotech Car Care but what I’d like you to imagine right now is riding around with an elephant in your back seat. That’s right, an elephant.
In an accident, a 60 pound child thrown forward becomes a 2700 pound projectile or an elephant hurtling through your vehicle during an accident when not buckled in correctly. Now, that puts things into perspective doesn’t it?
Volvo has been on the forefront of safety innovation for decades and always promoted the use of seat belts. As one of the safest vehicles on the market today, we are proud to offer Volvo car repair, Temple, TX or Volvo car repair, Belton, TX.
From the National Safety Council “Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have laws requiring that people riding in cars wear seat belts. More than half of the passengers killed in 2012 were not wearing seat belts. (Injury Facts 2014). For young adults 16-24, seat belt use was significantly lower in 2011. Seat belts can save your life and those of your loved ones. When used properly, seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to passengers in the front seat by 45 percent and moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent. Airbags help to reduce injuries sustained in car crashes. Airbags, however, are only added protection when used with seat belts.”
Seems that seat belts are a no brainer; wear your seat belts Texas!