When Will Electric Vehicles Become the Norm?
Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s it seemed like transportation would make gigantic strides before the 2000’s. However, other than new designs and sleeker builds, vehicles have not changed that much. There was time when most assumed that electronic cars would be more than just a new trend and would be the norm, but that transition has not yet taken place. Before you assume that electronic cars are not something that will become normal, it is important to take a look at the research. Some are projecting that electronic cars can be the norm by 2026. Before you know it, owning electronic car will be commonplace.
Here is what you need to know about when electronic cars will be the norm:
You might not know that this is a real thing, but futurologist Ian Pearson makes a living determining what technology will advance to and when it will become the norm. His latest forecast involves the topic of electronic cars. This means that he is trying to determine when electronic cars will overtake gas powered vehicles as the primary option. In the eyes of Pearson, the transition will happen much sooner than you might realize. This means that electronic cars are not a trend that will be gone in a flash. They will be around for a while and will be the norm in about a decade.
Younger Generation
The main reason that electric cars are forecasted to become the norm is due to their popularity with the youth. A recent poll was done on children between the ages of 14 and 17. These children stated that the first vehicle they have the ability to purchase in their lifetime will be electric. The popularity of electric cars with the younger generation and the movement to be more environmentally friendly are two big reasons why electric cars are said to be the norm in just a decade. Young people are aware of environmental issues and are looking for ways to make a difference. Owning an electric vehicle seems to be the way that many people are going to choose to go green in the future.
Future is Now
Even though electric cars are not yet the norm, they will be in a short period of time. Most people are familiar with this type of technology and are aware of the benefits that are offered. It seems to be inevitable that electric cars will eventually be the norm.